July 26, 2024
Echo Soapbox Article

Picture Source: Wix Media
TV news broadcasts in North America play a crucial role in a democratic society. Their main objective is to inform the public, enabling citizens to make informed decisions about leadership and policy. The media acts as a watchdog, monitoring government actions, setting the agenda for public discourse, and providing a platform for political expression. Additionally, they promote community building by assisting individuals in identifying common causes and civic groups and working together to address societal American citizen issues.
When a special interest group manages to influence TV news in favor of their agenda, it can result in biased or one-sided reporting. One example is the Sanctuary Movement, which has contributed significantly to the need to mass incarcerate Black citizens over the past 50 years in hopes of making room for non-citizens. (That's why the fines are so high for American citizens in N.J. In hopes of keeping vulnerable non-violent American citizens incarcerated for life so others can take their place and space.) All under the neat little umbrella of gentrification efforts planned in the 80s while using illegal Jim Crow segregation policies.

What Are Jim Crow Policies?
Jim Crow was the name of the illegal racial caste system policies, which operated primarily, but not exclusively, in southern and south of the border states between 1877 and the mid-1960s.
Picture Source: Jakayla Toney Wix Media Unsplash
Background Info.
Historians and scholars argue that these issues are deeply ingrained in the American state and nation's history and culture. Rooted in slavery. These efforts of racial disparities to defraud Black citizens of their rights has used:
Over-policing of Black citizens
Jim Crow Redlining Policies
Blocked housing per Jim Crow Credit Checks
Police violence and more
Are perpetuated by systemic exclusion and discrimination fueled by historic implicit and explicit bias toward Black citizens for being free and able to vote. Said bias behavior must be unlearned, including economic disenfranchisement that, by design, purposely defrauds all American citizens but especially a portion of vulnerable Black citizens, in particular, from advancing. Addressing these issues will require a range of new approaches to law enforcement, courts, and community involvement, as well as comprehensive social change driven by grassroots activism and government policy.
While hundreds of thousands of Black citizens have seen their quality of life obstructed by state policymakers and law enforcement, their tax dollars are used to pay the salaries of those perpetrating these injustices. Although police reform has gained significant attention, the current national reckoning should also focus on local and national news outlets that have perpetuated misleading narratives regarding illegal immigration. Because as an result of not fully investigating the Sanctuary Movement creators. Main stream American Broadcast News did not report on the negative cause and effect or affect that correlates to actual evidence concerning drug trafficking, (cocaine cannot be grown in North America,) missing persons reports, gun trafficking, plus a plethora of other negative causes that completely out weighs any good that said movement managed to create while putting American citizens lives at risk plus displaced in their own country. (Which in any other country in the world would be unheard of.) For the past 40 years, the media has irresponsibly promoted the Sanctuary City Agenda under the guise of "They just want to work," disregarding the aspirations plus protection of American citizens.
https://www.njpp.org/publications/report/immigrant-small-business-ownership-is-a-cornerstone-of-new-jerseys-economy/ Gif Source: Wix Gif
As adult citizens, we must confront and have laws enforced to protect the safety of our people and American citizen's children first and not vice versa. As citizens widen the lens on systemic racism, let us remember all of the American citizens who have been made homeless thanks to the last 40 years of non-calculation of Christian Coalitions plus other outside countries' agenda to over-populate American cities to the point of making working-class Americans plus their families homeless. The range of issues, though less familiar to some, is well-known to scholars and activists.
This, in turn, manipulation of the law plus news media has resulted in the dissemination of misleading or incomplete information to the American public, who has been undermined because of the 40-year purposeful distortion of truth thanks to the media's role in repeatedly sharing to the American public when addressing border crisis for the last 40 years that when it comes to illegal immigrants breaking federal laws that "All they want to do is work." All while not clearly stating to the public how open borders contributed to the widespread distribution of Crack Cocaine. This drug causes four types of schizophrenia in the normal brain. That led to widespread devastation of American citizens' lives through the entirety of the 1980s, 1990s, plus early 2000s, causing significant harm, maladaptive cultural change, overcrowding, plus violence in once peaceful American communities, Black or White, throughout New Jersey, for example. All because of the depraved behavior of racist reprobate Americans and the unnecessary desire to block the advancement of Black citizens who were minding their own business and raising their children. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/13/1186778651/crack-cocaine-epidemic-when-crack-was-king-donovan-x-ramsey
Your Vote Matters

Picture Source: Wix Media
This plan of hate perpetrated by the Christian Coalition that controls the Republican Party since 1981, then fed fodder to mass incarceration and unjust fines, particularly affecting Black citizens nationwide. These treasonous actions have led to broken families, loss of homes, loss of lives, jobs, and driving licenses, creating immense economic hardships and disrupting the lives of said portion of the Black American population that is vulnerable to hate attacks perpetrated for the groups as mentioned above. It is deeply troubling that innocent American citizens are being exploited to advance a racist agenda in the guise of actual asylum-seeker policies. This manipulation is not only illegal but also morally reprehensible, and the American public should not be compelled to support such an ideology. It is especially concerning that certain entities, including The 700 Club, receive significant donations from well-intentioned but misinformed Black citizens, deviating attention from the fact that these organizations, like billionaire companies, don't pay their taxes. Also, they are one of the primary perpetrators who sought to mislead the American public by using the Gospel of Jesus Christ is really shocking. No real Christians would do such things to their fellow citizens. But the Christian Coalition plus Sanctuary Movement did unashamedly as if God isn't real. https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2015/09/28/modern-immigration-wave-brings-59-million-to-u-s-driving-population-growth-and-change-through-2065/
Your Vote Matters

Picture Source: Wix Media
The mainstream American broadcast news plays a significant role in perpetuating the notion that "all immigrants crossing the border illegally simply want to work" while failing to address the true nature of the Sanctuary Movement adequately. This movement systematically displaces American citizens who have no ill intent toward citizens of other countries. Hence making said actions uncalled for.
So once again
Propaganda diminishes the ability of American citizens' propensity to protest, which in turn dampens their inclination to do the right thing. Like vote or say loudly this isn't right. Even when their childrens futures are at stake. Therefore, the potency of propaganda may stem not only from its direct impact on individuals but also from the social perceptions and uncertainty it generates for future generations. Especially when mainstream media perpetrates plus utilizes said misinformation that can ultimately be harmful to all American citizens. Plus influence elementary to high school institutions. And that ain't fair.
Your Vote Matters
