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Karen Edmond

Evil, Domestic Terrorist, Ba*&^% Attack 4th Grader Publicly & On Lookers Do Nothing To Intervene.

Evil, racist, domestic terrorist bastards attacked a nine-year-old depressed Black girl on January 29, 2021. The powers that be at the Rochester police station located in NY, plus officers on hand at site where child lived decided that child's meltdown did not qualify as a PIC Team allocation. (Person In Crisis) A PIC Team, per the NYC Health website, is defined as "a mobile crisis team" made up "of health professionals, such as nurses, social workers, and psychiatrists, who can provide mental health services, primarily in peoples home."

Instead of sending a qualifying team of trained professionals to intervene on the child's behalf, Rochester Police Dispatch instead sent out a brood of racist White men & women adorned in police uniforms to further traumatize the said child who had an argument with her mom. To the point of stuffing said little Black girl in a police car. Plus directly spraying pepper spray in her face like a dog in the street.

These evil bastards further worsened this little girl's mortification by stating out loud for all to hear that they're going to "throw her mother in jail," too. To make matters worse, a parade of police cars blaring lights and sirens was lined up on the street to help victimize one little Black girl crying for her father. During this exhibition of overt racism child's, Black neighbors stood silently while grown White people brutalized the child. As if slaves from the 1820's. Who were not allowed to defend or protect their peoples' children in the presence of White men. Black neighbors seemed frozen by an unseen force that would not allow them to save a nine-year-old child from a group of hell-bent officers who could care less about the child's citizenship, rights, or wellness.

As with most racists, officers lack the ability to treat the little Black girl with respect or care. Police officer's learning curve could have been squashed by simply asking neighbors' grandparents, school teachers, or principals what to do? Grandparents, teachers, plus school principals would have said to CALL THE FATHER simply! Believe it or, not these officers had cell phones plus an entire dispatch that could of located the child's father easily. But they neglected their duty to do so.

The child repeatedly cried for her daddy. Unfortunately, racist White police officers did not have it in them to empathize or help the child. They saw the child as a little adult. That they could antagonize & wrestled with on the ground & then pepper spray. In hindsight, per officers, horrendous treatment of a nine-year-old, 4th grade, little Black girl publicly should trigger child protective services to visit every officer's home that participated in the brutalization of a child publicly. With smirks on their faces. It leaves people to wonder if this is how they treat a child publicly; how in the world do they treat children behind closed doors in their homes? Plus did you notice that none of these devils had on masks? Hence possibly exposing child to COVID19.

Please remember this is the same police station that suffocated a Black man not too long ago, on purpose, per an NBC News report by Janelle Griffith. Per the transcripts, "Rochester police were widely criticized in September when it was disclosed that Prude, a Black man, suffocated to death in March after officers had placed him in a spit hood. The body camera video in Prude's case was released six months after his death, only after his family sued the city." Report further states that "the footage showed Prude, who appeared to be having a mental health crisis, handcuffed and naked with a spit hood over his head.

According to emails, police reports, police commanders had urged city officials to hold off on publicly releasing the video. They feared violent fallout if it came out because of nationwide protests over George Floyd's death in Minneapolis. Despite the autopsy of Prude that showed the reason for death being "suffocation," Rochester police claimed he died from a drug overdose. Although Mayor Lovely Warren fired Black police chief Laron Singletary, she left all of her other abusive White police officers on the force. And here's the kicker! Per an additional news report per NBC news, Mayor Warren was the person that told the Black police chief Singletary to "omit facts in regards to Rochester NY police incident in regards to Prude."

Furthermore, Warren and her team of advisors ordered the brother, and I quote" urged him to omit facts and give false information to back her claim that it wasn't until months later that she learned critical details of the March 23 encounter that led to Prude's death from suffocation." That, my friends, is the pot calling the kettle black.

Per a USA Today report by Will Cleveland, The mother of the 9-year-old girl traumatized by Rochester, New York, police officers on January 29, will be suing the police department. Per the report, "the mother is intending to sue based on an alleged violation of her daughter's constitutional rights and as a result of the "infliction of emotional distress, assault, battery, excessive force, false arrest, false imprisonment, and any other claims" that day occurred.

(Pictured below a typical Black Elementary 4th Grader, 9 yrs old)

Thank you for reading this report. And pray for the child's safety and well-being and all of Black children whose lives are always in danger because of systematic racism. On and off of the streets. Black public should also pray that the long-term effect of slavery be lifted from our people's shoulders. That they may be free to rebuke the ungodly behavior of domestic terrorist police officers. And as an organized group get said bad actors off of the police force by forcing elected officials to do their jobs. Plus push that quality middle class jobs be made available to their population yesterday. Rochester has 83,449 Black citizens. As citizens, they have the right plus legal where with all to demand that these ungodly individuals are dealt with under the law. And that right quickly. As 1st Nation activist Debra White Plume spoke in the 70's. Once everyone gets fed up with the bad behavior of White supremacist than change can come.

Please enjoy Quincy Jones & Tevin Campbell's "Tomorrow" Because a better tomorrow depends on you!

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