December 6, 2024
Social Justice:
In a society where information is crucial, the spread of misinformation has serious consequences for Black Americans and Americans in general. False narratives often reinforce damaging stereotypes, leading to increased stigmatization and discrimination against Black citizens and their youth. This marginalization results in social isolation and limits opportunities that should primarily be available to citizens, rather than being allocated to insourced populations. Brought in unawarily to block the growing powerer of the Black citizens vote successfully being pushed through with the help of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that empowered more long-term Black American citizens to vote.
(Fannie Lou Hammers Dauntless Fight For Black Americans Right To Vote 1965
The Consequences of Negative
Portrayals of Black Americans Internationally
For instance, foreigners exposed to media that depict African Americans or Americans in general negatively may develop biased perceptions, associating Black culture with violence, overt sexuality, laziness, and criminality. For example: Insourced populations often hold false belief that Americans refuse to work, as a result due to misinformation from their home countries. This leads to the misconception that Americans are lazy, when in reality, many Americans are striking for economic justice. Where with insourced populations are simply used as pawns to block or delay the enforcement of economic justice due to Americans. This fosters false self righteous beliefs per insourced populations that justifies their opinions that they deserve resources that rightfully should be invested into American citizen populations who for example survived chattel slavery, North American Indigenous genocide, plus an additional 100 years of Jim Crow policies that go against the Constituition of the United States.
The above described actions by insourced populations in turn blocks initiatives or resources that should have been invested into Black citizen populations to make them whole and not insourced populations brought in to attempt to replace Black citizens representation per this one example of American disenfranchisement. In addition said negative Media depictions to outside countries breds a type of fear in insourced populations or mistrust without real-life experiences, perpetuating a cycle of misunderstanding that allows outside countries interference into American society that ought not to have a voice or judgement against any Americans. Especially if said population entered America illegally per the standard protocol of the Federal Immigration Department explanation of "entering country illegally." (Gif Source: Wix Media)
Nor should outside entities have sway in any governmental office, community, or political policy via their political special interest groups from outside countries for example here in America. Such portrayals overlook the systemic issues that shape these representations, resulting in a distorted understanding of race relations in the United States.
Click the link to view a sample list of long-term special interest groups established in the 1940s and 50s NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations.) (Gif Source of Mexico's President Claudia Sheinbaum -Pardo: Wix Gif)
Influence on Perceptions and Interactions
These biases significantly influence interactions and perceptions of African American communities, plus their rights and access to progression. Hence highlighting an urgent need for a repair of media literacy concerning the American Negro and clarification upon the diverse representation of who Black North American citizens really are that should include both their African plus First Nation ordonnances. Over time, biased portrayals of primarily Black citizens have skewed international views, leading to political manipulations that prioritize immigrant communities over vulnerable American populations that's unfair. Plus borders on the consequences of treason against fellow American citizens who are indeed the original Black citizens of North America for example.
Challenges to Civil Rights Progress
Influential groups have facilitated access to resources for insourced populations, undermining the progress made by the Black Civil Rights Movement that has the power if enforced to not only block the illegal targeting of Black citizens for mass incarceration but also provided a legitimate foothold in making America pay the reparations due to Black citizens as a result of the holocuastic aftermath caused by chattel slavery plus illegal Jim Crow Laws that total approximately 500 years of oppression towards African Americans in particular that's owed reparatory justice. The lack of an organized response from Black citizens between 1980 to 2024, has allowed the gains of the Civil Rights Movement to be diverted, with Black Americans increasingly being replaced as a primary focus by insourced populations, aided by both liberal and conservative factions in America. The mismanagement of Civil Rights progress for Black citizens has been exacerbated by untrustworthy political factions and "replacement plans," such as those enacted by Southern Evangelicals and the Christian Coalition's "Sanctuary Movement" in the 1980s. These replacement policies, driven by racism, sought to divert Civil Rights enforcement and reparations from Black Americans to insourced populations. This effort undermined the work of leaders like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was despied by Southern Evangelicals' and their allies connected to the Confederacy which raises the flag of sedition to replace the American flag. The "Sanctuary Movement" authors initiated in 1970 evolved into the Christian Coalition, which has influenced the Republican Party from 1980 onwards, causing adverse effects not only on Black citizens but on all Americans as follows:
Policy Implications and Legislative Harm
When false beliefs & biases influence political discourse, the implications can be profound. Legislation rooted in misinformation can strip access to vital healthcare, education, and social services for at-risk populations of citizens. Policies based on erroneous claims can exacerbate existing inequalities, leaving vulnerable communities to suffer the consequences.
(For example mass homelessness of American citizens.)
Erosion of Trust in Institutions
The spread of misinformation & biases can erode public trust in leaders and institutions. Disillusioned by a lack of representation and support, vulnerable populations may withdraw from civic engagement, leading to decreased participation in the democratic process. This erosion of trust can perpetuate cycles of neglect and disenfranchisement.
ie: Close to 90 million citizens did not vote in the 2024 Presidential race.
Public Health Risks
Misbeliefs surrounding health issues pose significant public health threats. For example, misinformation about vaccines or reproductive health can discourage individuals from seeking necessary medical care. This hesitation can lead to outbreaks of preventable diseases, disproportionately impacting those at higher risk.
Increased Divisiveness in Society
Misinformation can deepen societal divides, fostering polarization and an "us vs. them" mentality. This division can incite violence and hate crimes against vulnerable populations of citizens and children, further jeopardizing their safety and well-being in an already fraught environment.
Economic Ramifications
The economic impact of misinformation can be significant. False narratives about certain neighborhoods can drive down property values and deter investments, limiting job opportunities for residents in vulnerable communities. Economic instability can exacerbate the challenges faced by these American populations by using insourced minorities as an excuse to divert American resources plus tax dollars from Black citizens for example to non-citizens or newly endorsed citizens such as in the example of SBA loans, grants, plus other funding gathered by for example Bloombergs New American Economy that diverts fund raising opportunities to non-citizens causing un-necessary stressors on
American citizens as pre-planned.
American Immigration Council and New American Economy Announce Merger
Mental Health Consequences
Ultimately, the psychological effects of enduring constant misinformation can lead to heightened anxiety, fear plus non-action. Vulnerable groups of citizens may experience worsening mental health issues and a profound sense of hopelessness, compounding the challenges they already face due to mass incarceration resulting from costly fines for minor, non-drug-related, or non-violent economic issues, such as missing a car insurance payment or experiencing a bad urine during a parole check up. This situation gives rise to other harmful and entirely preventable problems if the unfair fining system were not targeting citizens, allowing insourced populations to take their place while American citizens are repeatedly imprisoned for years, accumulating more fines for minor offenses here in New Jersey, which is unjust for example. This portrays the Black population of citizens over the decades as criminals instead of citizens who are being exploited by tyrannical policymakers, who collaborate with long-standing racist politicians to design systematic policy to adversely oppress citizens. Especially the future of African American children here in the state of NJ.
Gentrification Yields Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Exposure To Contextual Determinants Of Health
A Call for Action
The portrayal of negative imagery or media publications about Black America highlights the persistent challenges Black Americans face in obtaining fair resource distribution, interventions, and representation. As misinformation continues to circulate, depicting Black American culture as gangsters rather than scientists, drug users instead of lawyers, Civil War losers rather than CIVIL WAR WINNERS, and as stereotypes rather than loving mothers, doctors, artists, or preachers, the true essence of Black America remains obscured to the global audience in an era of widespread communication. This misinformation about Black citizens is perpetuated as a justification for certain treasonous American groups' continued falsehoods and misinterpretations of Black citizens' identities and the necessity of allocating American tax dollars primarily to American issues. These funds should not be diverted to support unvetted populations seeking the quality of life that American society has established, whether positive or negative. Consequently, the perception of Black Americans, whether affluent or poor, must evolve to accurately reflect the true identity of America. Therefore, it is essential for society to advocate for media literacy and promote diverse, accurate representations of all communities, ensuring that the voices of Black Americans are not marginalized or misrepresented with slanderous depictions unrelated to them. Instead, these depictions are a result of cultural biases aimed at portraying Black citizens as undeserving of the rights, privileges, and resources owed to them in North America.
Survey: Do you think the trillions of dollars spent on insourced populations over the past decade could have been better allocated to American citizens and overdue reparations for long-term Black citizens?
Yes _____________
No ______________
American Immigration Council and New American Economy Announce Merger
Interview with Coretta Scott King (Video) Provided by Blackside Inc :
Federal Immigration Department:Â
Non-Governmental Organizations.
Fannie Lou Hammers Dauntless Fight For Black Americans Right To Vote