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Karen Edmond

Ubuntu And The Black Psyche.

As a Black person, when you witness the repeated harassment or victimization of another Black person, are you urged to do something about said injustice before it happens to you? Or when Beyonce comes out with a slamming hit, do you feel that she represents all Black women in America? Per a Psychology Today article written by Marisa Franco, Ph.D. titled "The Science of Why Black People Root for Everybody Black," posted Aug 22, 2019. " Found that Black Americans feel this sense of linked fate with one another because of their shared vulnerability to racial discrimination. The article further referenced a Pew Research Center study that found that Black people "have a higher rate of linked fate than any other racial group."

Otherwise, the likelihood of an event that happened to one Black American would more than likely happen to other Black Americans. The theory of "linked fate" by political scientist Michael Dawson highlights how Black people believe that their destinies "are tied" to other Black people's experiences. Hence when something terrible happens to a Black person, Black folks feel like it happened to all of them. And when Black people accrue something like wealth or political promotion, we all feel as if they have prospered.

Franco shares that though both phenomenons happen, they are different.

Ubuntu is a South African concept that means "I am because we are." Ubuntu emphasizes common humanity, "highlighting how what happens to one person affects everyone." Interestingly this critical key African concept resonates within Black Americans. As well as connects to the Christian belief system of "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you." Said concepts help Black Americans cope with their given circumstances. And to rise above the tide. I hope you enjoyed this share. Feel free to share your perspectives. The reference data is below. And please enjoy this tune by BOB featuring Lupe Fiasco "You Can't See Past My Shades."

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