Picture Source Nancy Euell's LBHS Grad Pic GoFundMe Page Administered Per Her Brother Ricky
I was first introduced to Nancy Euell through her younger brother, Rick. After a discussion of her current circumstances, my heart began to feel heavier and heavier as the moments passed by. I could feel the love Rick has for his sister; his love rushed like a flood over me as we spoke on the phone.
He recounted how his big sis would be protective, loving, and caring over her two younger
brothers. Nancy would try to cover for her brothers when they would do something mischievous or hide the effects of their many antics from their mother so they wouldn’t get in
trouble. She was a soothing voice and comforting presence when his younger brother Beau-Beau (Bobo) passed away. Nancy was the consoling beacon of solace when their mother passed away in March 2022. She was and still is the consummate big sis: counselor, advisor, comforter…. She is a big sis.
Nancy Euell spent five years in the Air Force on active duty and another 15 as a civilian employee. Her willingness to serve in the military bespeaks her personality moreover her character. She is spunky and feisty, and despite her slight frame, she is more than willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Upon moving from Atlanta to Rhode Island, she was anxious to do what all conscientious people do; She found a Doctor and went about taking care of necessary business. Nancy was familiar with the quality of care that is offered by the Veteran’s Administration and was anxious to enroll.
When Nancy scheduled a routine physical, she met Dr. Lauren Schlanger. Nancy was pleased
with Dr. Schlanger as she found her to be personable and genuinely interested in the care of
her patients. After routine tests were ordered and assessed, it was determined that Nancy had an irregular heartbeat. It was later discovered that Nancy had a heart murmur and was
placed on a heart monitor for observation.

Picture Source Of Nancy Euell's Brother Rick's Facebook/GoFundMe Page
Nancy recalls that her heart stopped beating at times, or it would periodically skip a beat.
Consequently, she was referred to the VA Vascular Medicine Outpatient Clinic in West Roxbury for further monitoring. On April 12th, 2019, Nancy went in to have open heart surgery. It was discovered that three valves needed remediation. Her mitral and aortic valves had to be
replaced, and they had to repair the bicuspid valve. Nancy states, “Bottom line is nobody,
including myself, knew how sick I was.”
After the heart surgery at West Roxbury VA Hospital, the new valves in Nancy’s heart began to leak and required additional surgery. The hospital refused to perform the surgery, and Nancy was instead referred to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. There, she would be under the care of Dr. Piotr S. Sobieszck, who further exacerbated Nancy’s condition by puncturing her lung during the second surgery to repair the leaking valves. Ricky notes that Dr. Sobieszck was the surgeon who was responsible for Nancy’s initial brain injury.
On May 8th, 2023, Nancy’s story took a dark and unexpected turn. On that date, Nancy was
transferred to the VA Hospital in Rhode Island, where in just two days, according to her brother Ricky, she was injured. According to Ricky, a nurse put the settings on her automatic adjusting bed on the wrong setting. The nurse turned it on and left the room. The bed injured Nancy, and as a result of the injury, her airway became blocked with infectious material. Nancy was transferred to the ICU for further treatment. However, Nancy was still laboring to breathe when Rick left her. Upon questioning the staff regarding her labored breathing, he was told that his sister would be fine.
A few hours later, Nancy went Code Blue due to a lack of oxygen; cardiac arrest followed. During surgery to save her life, the Dr. found the infectious material that was causing the blockage. Rick states, “That now the damage has been done to her brain.” Within one month of entering the VA Hospital, Nancy endured a violent injury due to the negligence of hospital staff, coded blue, went into cardiac arrest, and incurred more brain damage.

Picture Source Nancy Euell's GoFundMe Page
When Nancy Euell entered the VA Hospital on May 8th, she did not have a trachea; she was able to engage in her own rehabilitation. She was able to speak, laugh, joke, and move her upper body. Now, her progress has been indefinitely delayed as she is no longer able to function as she did prior to May 8th, 2023.
The VA must be held accountable and accept responsibility for neglecting Nancy Euell. As of the writing of this article, according to Rick, his sister is still being neglected, abused, and mistreated by the VA and left to wither away in the VA Hospital. She is not turned in her bed during the night shift according to her treatment requirements, and as a result, her bedsores have worsened. She is on a wing that is occupied by mostly males, and her family is constantly concerned for her safety. Nancy is vulnerable and often left alone.
This writer imagines that Ricky wants his sister back. He wants to hear her soothing voice and hear her contagious laughter. To once again see her wagging finger as she conceals one of his antics. To feel her put her arms around him…. like she used to do.
It would mean a lot to Rick if you could support Nancy's GoFundMe Page. For donations, please click the link.
Be a part of the movement to provide justice and hope for Nancy Euell. A Long Branch, N.J. Native and Air Force Veteran.