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  • Writer's pictureKaren Brittingham-Edmond

Relaunched Echo October 2023 Black Beauty Of The Month Is Queen Monay Laster Of Monmouth County, NJ

Above Queen Monay Laster

This month's relaunched Echo Black beauty is Monay Laster, with whom loved ones, family members, and the surrounding community refer to her as Queen Monay Laster. Monay is called Queen Monay because she carries herself with grace and style. Laster shared that she has yet to meet her King, so she is not married yet.

We of the relaunched Echo know she is worthy of a Kingly match because of her heart-touching story. While preparing for this write-up, we collected some information about her strength, creativity, and faithfulness to the truth. Monay is kind and caring from the inside out. Her artwork is a collage of photographs and artwork that she accents with a variety of settings and colors, plus people who sparkle with cheer. Moreover, it reveals her vision of her people and African-American children as beautiful gifts from God. That is highly inspirational. Monay's talent of putting together inspirational artwork as collages helps every viewer to galvanize oneself to face the day ahead.

Picture Source Queen Monay Laster's FB page - uniquely arranged by herself.

Queen Monay Laster is a natural-born beautician. She commends her mother, Ms. Daphne Laster, as the inspiration behind her queenly attitude and self-worth. Queen Monay watched her mother face adversity and hardship as a child. Monay witnessed how her mother's "unshakeable faith in God" taught her."

  • The importance of standing up straight.

  • Holding her head high.

  • Always look your absolute best.

  • And most importantly, acknowledge that you do not need validation, applause, or reassurance from anyone.

Her mother empowered Queen Monay to know that she is a beautiful queen. As the elders of the old Black Church who motivated and nurtured our people in times past would say, "Don't let anyone steal your joy because the world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away."

Picture Source Queen Monay Laster's FB page - uniquely arranged by herself.

The gift of creativity, beauty, and adornment is a generational gift from her ancestors. Monay shares that she has always had a knack for beauty. She exhibited this as a child as well as her teen and grown-up years. Monay explains that I would dress and style all of my dolls as a child. Then, all my friends, sisters, and anyone I could get my hands on." Monay has a unique ability to look at people and see the beauty within them." With that ability, Monay works with individuals'

  • Natural beauty,

  • Personality, and

  • Sunshine

To bring out the beauty on the inside! And accentuating their palette. Like a picture.

Despite her positive outlook on life, Queen Monay Laster has had some troubled clouds pass her way. Laster was diagnosed with pseudotumor, which can cause blindness. Pseudotumors trigger high pressure within the skull caused by the buildup or poor absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The disorder is most common in females between 20 and 50. Worse yet, symptoms closely mimic those of large brain tumors. To learn more about the condition, please click the link:

The condition caused Laster to go natural, which empowered her to consult and share the benefits of going natural with her clients and community members, as a true queen should. Her methodology of encouraging Black men and women to embrace their natural Black hair is "crossing over, " which provides a spiritual communication of self-acceptance and love.

Queen Monay shared that she "believes with all of her heart that Black women are truly one of the most beautiful gifts from God to the world." She further shares that she loves all the shades, shapes, and strengths that reflect Black folks' true hearts or inner being. Laster believes that "we are all Queens" in our own right, but sadly enough, she doesn't feel that we acknowledge the beauty of our uniqueness because of all the hassles the world throws at Black people. That we somehow become distracted.

This is why Queen Monay sought to make a difference by exhibiting unique photographs that reveal the beauty and majesty of Black folks. Along with a Queen Monay Laster Daily Reminder And Love Letter each morning on her Facebook Page. Laster shares with the public beautiful noble photographs of everyday people and children that she accentuates with her artistic perspectives and vision. And let me tell you something: viewing the artwork of Queen Monay Laster is not only inspirational but also spreads a wealth of healing to all who faithfully check out her page each morning.

Queen Monay Laster shared with the relaunched Echo, New Jersey's oldest Black-owned newspaper since 1904, a message to the younger generation: Monay recommends: First, " Don't worship heroes or celebrities. Be your hero." (Because they are no better than you, and you are no better than them.) Second, " Whatever You Do Well, Do Often. " Third, " Don't follow your dreams. Chase them- live them- believe in them, invest in them." But most of all, "Don't give up on your dream."

Queen Monay leaves us to reflect on her favorite scripture, Joshua 24:15, as quoted in the original King James Version: "And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Please applaud Echo News T.V. L.L.C. October 2023 Beauty of the Month Queen Monay Laster. A one-of-a-kind Black beauty from Monmouth County, New Jersey.

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