Relaunched Echo New Jersey's Oldest Black-owned
Newspaper Pilot Project Annual Report 2021
Prepared by
Karen Brittingham-Edmond
Echo News TV
Publisher/ Legacy Project Initiator
July 19, 2021
Executive Summary
This annual report contains the business achievements and highlights of the relaunched Echo publication for 2020. The relaunched Echo News T.V. Blog successfully achieved benchmarks and increased viewer activity between pilot programs initiation of July 7, 2020, and July 7, 2021. Developing the product for the market will be the main focus this year.
Company Overview
The family newspaper was printed in "the interest of the Negro Race," circa 1903. Paper empowered community of color with a platform to express their opinions plus interests on the day's current affairs reported nationally and internationally.
As of June 2021 687%, more people visit the Echo News T.V. website, mainly from Facebook and Twitter.
Readers spend more time on the website on Thursdays.
Fifty-eight original articles were published on the Echo News T.V. website between July 7, 2020, and July 2021. The highest-ranking articles from July 2020 to July 2021 were:
"Why Are People Comfortable Raising A Confederate Flag In Front Of Their Home In Monmouth County?" Posted July 16, 2020, w/47 readers
"How N.J.'s Mass Evictions May Negatively Effect The Morale Of Registered Voters." Posted August 27, 2020 w/43 reads
"Approximately 25% of Black Male Register Voters Support Trump. Why?" Posted September 6, 2020 w/93 reads
"Harris Pence Debate. Oh What A Night!" Posted Oct 11, 2020 w/50 views
"Louisville Metro Police Department and Breonna Taylor Case. A Brother's Point Of View." Posted October 30, 2020, Authored by Kai Shomo w/82 reads
"Trumpageddon Hits Capitol Building Last Week Activating A Troop Of Enraged Trumpers!" January 10, 2021 w/50 views
Evil, Domestic Terrorist Ba*&^% Attack 4th Grader Publicly & On Lookers Do Nothing To Intervene." Posted February 6, 2021 w/115 reads
"Black History Special: Kalief Browder Story. Living Just Enough For The City."
Posted Feb w/60 views
"I Remember When Hispanics Were Black" Poem Honoring Black Culture From The Past. Posted Feb 24, 2021 w/121 views
"Mr. Donald Winn Williams II Tells The Truth And Shame's The Devil At The George Floyd Murder Trial" Posted March 30, 2021 w/70 reads
"D.M.X. Always Iconic And Never Forgotten Hip Hop Artist Hospitalized After A Sudden Heart Attack" Posted April 8, 2021 w/87 views
"Sixteen-Year-Old Girl Shot To Death By Columbus Ohio Police Officer." Posted April 24, 2021 w/81 views
"What's Going On? Treason In The 21st Century. How Racist America's Actions Support Putin's Agenda." Posted May 22, 2021 w/70 views
"Long Branch NJ Executed Illegal Sundown Laws On Black Beach Goers on Juneteenth Weekend 2021." Posted June 23, 2021 w/650 views
"Tragic Building Collapsed in Surfside Florida Update." Posted June 30, 2021, w/90 views
"Daddy's Home! America's Dad Released From Prison." Posted July 2, 2021 w/92 views
On average, The relaunched Echo has 469 new viewers with 19 unique return visitors out of 488 readers for the pilot period of June 2020 to July of 2021.
Echo News T.V. visitors log in on average utilizing.
Mobile phone 518
Desktop 45
Tablet 8
For an average site, sessions total 571 visits.
( Echo News TV Website Analytics Report July 2020-July 2021)
Currently, the relaunched Echo News T.V. pilot is a volunteer project that goals were to see:
If there is a niche market in N.J. for a 1x a week Black-oriented newspaper
And could we secure 1000 subscribers that would be willing to pay $10 a month to support the revival of the historic Echo newspaper that focuses on them?
Currently, as of April 2020, 9,288,994 people reside in N.J. Out of that population, over 668,636 African Americans reside in N.J. Most of these residents live in "hard to count" areas in N.J., per the U.S. Census Bureau. This population of Black citizenship is under served with media that focuses on their issues in particular. Those communities are:
Jersey City
Atlantic City
East Orange
New Brunswick &
A few of the outlining circumstances that a large portion of the Black population in N.J. struggle with because of social & economic disenfranchisement are:
Low internet/computer access
Reside in rural areas
Frequent movers
Below the poverty line
Large households
Low educational attainment
Single parent-headed household.
The median income of African Americans who reside in N.J. is between $30,134 to $40,000 between the period of 2015 to 2020, per the below U.S. Census Bureau links.
(Page 8 Chart 3)
Below is a chart provided by the U.S. Census Bureau Survey from 1968 to 2015.

Given the success of the Echo News T.V. Blog, the company will focus on its marketing campaigns to attract more viewership. We will continue to showcase new articles that speak to and relates to the target population. Plus, develop service products that will be easily accessible.
Develop pilot project into a small corporation.
Develop M.O.U.s with community organizations, churches, Black-owned businesses, and school systems
Develop an advisory board.
Launch strategic fundraising platforms.
Update the company's social media accounts to market products.
Develop an outreach campaign focused on the under served Black community in N.J. listed in U.S. Census Report.
Set a goal to obtain 200 pre-ordered subscriptions from each Black community in N.J.
Develop marketing advertisements campaign $150 per 4 lines $175 per 5 lines $275 per 6 lines with a weekly goal of $600 per page pre-paid advertisement. Setting a goal of obtaining 576 ads for 2022. And raising funds per 16 ads per week alone of at least $115,200.00 per year.
Obtain SBA Loans & Grants totaling $350,000.00
Acquire writers who are culturally sensitive and have the empathy and integrity to tell the whole truth and not be swayed to write stories under a mainstream narrative that's biased for the most part.
Develop an Annual Echo Legacy “Great Gatsby/Flapper Fall Costume Ball Fundraiser
Develop an Annual Christmas Gospel Choir Jamboree Celebration & Subscription Drive Event
Develop an Annual Historic 1st Nation/Afro-American Cemetery Memorial Day Awareness Event
In closing, I found that by following Great Grandfather William Rock's (BAJ/Esq) mission statement, plus writing style, the relaunched Echo can speak the target population language, plus has the potential of re-servicing target populations' need for a media source that cares and respects them as a people. Thank you for your favorable prays and to all the haters - kiss my ass. I leave you with this quote from one of my favorite authors as a child.
“To do nothing is to be nothing” Nathaniel Hawthorne
Karen Brittingham-Edmond
The Relaunch Echo - Publisher/ Legacy Spearhead 2020
Historic Pine Brook Cemetery Care Volunteer Coordinator 2017-2020
T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center Monmouth County Freedom Story Mini Doc Lead Consult/Concept Creator/Co-grant writer 2018
SNHU Psychology Major currently
Sollers College Clinical Research Mgt Certified 2018
Human Services Associates of Science 2017
Non-profit Management Certified (ATEC)2016
Public Relations Associates of Arts 2015
I Can See You Well w/The Kidz Club Public Access - Urban Sunday School Producer/Director 1998
Aslan Youth Ministry Program Extension Negotiator 1990
Project Hope Program Long Branch Spearhead 1987
Gregory Elementary School of Long Branch Fun Day Concept Creator/Initiator 1975 (Bicentennial)