The tragic reality that thousands of Black women and their children are missing in America today triggers a knee jerk reaction in Black Americans of a time not long ago. Black Americans know that slavery by any other name is still slavery. In today's media, they call slavery "human trafficking." Slavery was an institution that Black Americans found intolerable and fought in wars to have dismantled.
For many human trafficking was something that other countries had to confront. But surprise surprise. Here in America, we are witnessing Black women re-threatened with enslavement again. How can this be, one may ask?
Per an Insight Crime report by Claire O Neil McCleskey claimed back in November 2012 that the partnership between Mexican criminal organizations and Aryan Brotherhood gangs (aka KKK) work together in both drug and human trafficking activity. The FBI 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report confirmed her findings. NCJRS (National Criminal Justice Reference Service) 2017 description further cosigned on McClesky's information. NCJRS shared that "the minimum annual gross revenue from the Mexican Tenancingo network in Queens, NY, is roughly $36.5 million per year, but could be as high as 100 million," per year.
Per a February 20, 2020 report by Treva Lindsay of the Women's Media Center, titled "The Urgent Crisis Of Missing Black Women And Girls," states that "64,000-75,000 Black women and children are currently missing in the United States." Per the report, "African American girls comprise over 40% of domestic sex trafficking victims in the U.S."
How did Black America allow the resurgence of SLAVERY in the 20th century? Per studies, three common denominators that make Black females vulnerable to human trafficking are:
Being in a constant state of not having a place to call home is a crisis issue here in America. Per a 2018 report of the National Law Center On Homelessness & Poverty, key findings are that "there is not enough affordable and available housing for America's millions of low-income renters." That breaks down to approximately 35 affordable and available units for every 100 low-income renter households" seeking homes in America.
The increased competition for rental homes directly correlates to millions of former homeowners. Who lost their homes because of the 2008 foreclosure crisis. This rippling effect of the 2008 mortgage crisis and the sharing of limited housing resources within sanctuary states with new populations from neighboring countries - pushed more Black families who were already in a fragile state to a vulnerable situation of being the new candidates for human trafficking.
Per several reports, what makes more African American females vulnerable to human trafficking is the lack of stable housing. A plan that President Regan and his racist regime sought out to denigrate Black females homemakers of the 70s. Amazingly, when affordable housing ran more like a resource to keep families secure and not a commodity,
the criminal activity in urban areas was lower.
Studies show that when housing resources were available to Black families before the event of crack cocaine flooding their communities, a majority of the children from affordable unit households went on to become,
College graduates
Military personnel,
Law-abiding self-sustainable citizens and
Political leaders
That produced the new middle class in the 50s, 60s, 70s.
Later, once crack, a drug designed to cause four schizophrenia types in a normal brain, whose main ingredient can not be grown here in America, flooded Black areas in the 80s-2000 caused many Afro Americans to fall by the wayside. Plus, it helped make Black citizens under 25 yrs old the primary candidate for new Jim Crow Laws of mass incarceration throughout the 80s and 90s.
This left more Black females and her children fending by themselves to live in a country that was not only hostile towards them historically. But since then, has propitiated a systematic caste-like position via Welfare Reform Acts to ensure that Black women children and or grandchildren will become caste into a 3rd class system by 2010. All of this happened in less than 40 years after the push back on civil rights enforcement. Said push back has empowered enslavement crimes to arise in America.
Hauntingly these two players, White supremacist and their Mexican Cartel cohorts are still playing their roles as penal colonists and Spanish conquistadors. With that said, Black citizens should be ashamed of themselves for allowing these two non-factors to wage ill content towards their people. What needs to be done per NCJRS (National Criminal Justice Reference Services) 2017 Report, & National Law Center On Homelessness & Poverty 2018 Report.
"All people affiliated with human trafficking must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
"The public should be made aware that, per federal prosecutions data, there are verified human trafficking crime locations in all 50 states and two U.S. territories. Local communities should be made aware of the specific types of human trafficking most prevalent around them."
"The enforcement of renters' rights to reduce housing instabilities and remove housing access barriers that prevent homelessness must be activated."
"Laws prohibiting housing discrimination based on a prospective renter's income source, such as federal housing subsidy usage, must be overturned." (As before mentioned, when Black women, in particular, had access to affordable housing, studies revealed that more of their children went on to earn college education plus become the new middle-class and not re-introduced to slave entrapment.)
"The law enforcement community should critically examine the reasons behind the lack of organized crime prosecutions to discern whether it is a function of the actual reality of human trafficking crimes or a process of the politics and incentive structures around arrest and prosecutions."
"Expose TO PUBLIC how money laundering is a common denomination in sites that assist human trafficking: I.e., tanning salons, modeling agencies, and barbershops."
In conclusion, all pornography published, are distributed on the internet, or otherwise should be banned immediately. Institutions that support these illegal activities should be seized. All real and monetary property funds should be confiscated, and said funds streamed in too low -income areas. To produce
Quality, low-income housing
Free college tuition
And children enrichment programs for American citizens.
Please do your part by letting your legislative representatives know how you feel about the rise of slavery in America. And what our country needs to do about it today. Thank you for reading this report and voting for an administration that will abolish every slavery vestige in our country, resolutely and purposefully. "A lie can't live forever." Rev Dr. Martin Luther King
In addendum pictures of children in this report came from Children Defense Fund site. These children are safe and sound. Now lets make sure all children are safe and sound.