March 21, 2024
Perspective Chat
As New Jerseyans witness the perplexity of failed immigration policies that promoted the unlawful act of breaking Federal Immigration Laws for the last 40 years. Many Americans can't help but think, "Who came up with this dumb idea to allow millions of unvetted masses to flood into the state for the last 42 years?" One would have to understand the correlational history of American racist and their insourced allies - and why and how their perspectives jive. Black citizens did not get the memo on who was a Confederate ally and who was not. We should also look at the gullibility factors that Black leadership experiences because of the non-truth telling of American history.
An additional factor Black citizens must acknowledge is the correlating posttraumatic slave syndrome behavior that Black citizens act out consciously and subconsciously. That, in turn, unfortunately, per our cultural cognitive thinking, automates us to esteem other groups, to be better than Black Americans because of wealth, or just so-called "good hair." When, in fact, in most cases, studies have found that wealthy people, for the most part, are not intelligent. Which, in the end, puts all Americans in jeopardy, not just Black citizens when it comes to the border crisis, police brutality, and mass incarceration.
So whose to blame for all of this confusion?
The blame lies on treasonous citizens and what we now know as their Brown allies because, once upon a time, Black people of North America believed that Brown people from South America, for example, were our brothers and sisters from the African Diaspora. Which they are, but per their code of conduct, they, for the most part, support White Nationalism and privately consider themselves White per their cultural assimilation practices and census records. Especially if they are new to America, something that Black citizens were unaware of. However, boy, have they shown their true colors as of today. In 1982, Ronald Reagan's mission was to ensure that American Black citizens would not have full access to Civil Rights Enforcement. He (Reagan,) along with other politicians, Evangelicals, Republicans, and Democrats, plus their wealthy funders, strategically gave what should have been given to Black citizens first to immigrant populations deemed a minority.Â
So, resources that should have been given to Black-longterm taxpayers were strategically given to White women primarily, and immigrants with whom many mark themselves down as White because of their Spanish bloodline plus allegiance to Confederates. Moreover, Hispanic children who grew up in America probably had no idea of their Spanish alliance with Confederates because they were not taught true American history on purpose just like other American children. But they may have found their family members' racist opinions about Black citizens confusing as they grew up. Plus, a portion of Hispanics who grew up in America probably had no idea of how racist their political parties were and are. Because, just like Black youth, Hispanic youth were not taught true American history, just the fairy tale, but Hispanic youth may have noticed the disrespect and hate that their family had towards their dark-skinned Hispanic cousins or family members that seemed to be for no reason. Spanish people operate by a completely different code of ethics than Black citizens, and we have to accept that truth to avoid and dismantle the strategies that seek to further disenfranchise Black citizens in the long term. (We owe our children and grandbabies at least that.)
"The result of the 40-year failed immigration system has resulted in the absence of border security, in conjunction with nonexistent interior enforcement, which has made the U.S. a fertile breeding ground for human trafficking. Human trafficking is a global business generating $150 billion in illegal profits. It encompasses forced labor, sex trafficking, organ trafficking, and more."
The above statement proves that wealth and intelligence are separate things that are not necessarily related to the actions of rich persons for example Micheal Bloomberg of The New American Economy Non-Profit. One can be wealthy without being intelligent, and one can be intelligent without being wealthy. Wealth is often the result of opportunities, inheritance, luck, or hard work, while intelligence combines innate abilities, education, and experience. It is possible for someone with limited financial resources to be highly intelligent and successful through hard work, determination, and creativity. Similarly, it is also possible for someone with great wealth to be less intelligent or successful due to a lack of motivation or poor decision-making skills. Therefore, it is important not to equate wealth with intelligence. Something all people, especially Black people, do in America. Black citizens vote wealthy people into office all the time. Per Christianity, we are taught to "esteem others higher than ourselves." And then wonder why the same people we support with our votes and money do little to nothing for Black citizens, but will move mountains for non-Black minorities. This is because Black citizens think wealthy people are intelligent when we know the philosophy of white supremacy is one of the most dull-witted thinking processes in the world.
Let's go forward:
Hence, Democratic, Republican, and Hispanic political parties, along with wealthy Jewish people like Michael Bloomberg and all his billion-dollar friends who financially supported Bloomberg's New American Economy to replace citizens with insourced workers, acted out a forty-year plan that would result in the death and mass incarceration of only God knows how many Black citizens. Because Black citizens were never taught factual American history and did not fully understand the grudge our very state and counties hold against us for surviving African chattel slavery and First Nation genocide in NJ. It's like what Malcolm Nance, a U.S. Navy terrorism intelligence collector, code breaker, and interrogator with field experience in the Middle East and Africa, would say, "We're screwed and surrounded."
Black citizens are going to have to become vigilant and become ok with the fact that White citizens do not care about Black citizens, especially Black children. And that's ok. Everybody has a right to their opinion as long as they don't put their hands on you. Black adults are going to have to heed the instructions left to us by our ancestors, both African and Indigenous. This way, Black citizens can better handle the betrayal that has been done to Black citizens on purpose and by design. It's almost like racists and their allies took directions from the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and acted it out. (which is treason.) And if so, then we can better understand the Asian alliance with White racists to dismantle affirmative action just last year. It wasn't only a Clarence Thomas thing. It took an entire team of Asian Special interest groups who all utilized everything that Black folks put in place for Black citizens advancement which was utilized by Asians populations with the help of our state government for their advancement, with the goal that what they and their parents used to obtain the American dream be stolen away from Black citizens' children. And that is not good.
Please remember
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." Black citizens battle is in the courthouse not in the street. Remain cordial and avoid physical fights because this is why our state is flooding these folks in. To push out and eventually fight citizens. Remember Black on Black crime in NY & NJ when further investigated found that it was actually Black and Brown players with whom newly arriving Brown immigrants gangs fought with Black gangs over turf. The coming months things might turn ugly because racist desire to see a fight between Black citizens and their insourced allies. Ignore it, but vigorously demand and argue for Black citizens to be given our reparations.
And Kamala and Joe, that's not $50,000 each. It's at least 5 million dollars each, like the trillions of dollars that the state of N.J. spent on insourced vetted and unvetted persons from outside countries for 40 years that have been brought in to disrepect citizens which is not cool. Black citizens plus Black churches must keep an eye on Black children. Our state has become compliant and the accessory of enslavement again. Which is an awful sin. Their bringing in vetted and unvetted people who have worked with human traffickers for years. With the goal of justifying slavery. Do not let your guard down when it comes to children. And if something does not look right concerning any child call the police. Just because racist want to justify their ungodly childmolester spirit doesn't mean that we help them by doing nothing when we know in our spirit something is wrong. Call the police. Lastly pray for Black leadership who have no idea who they are dealing with. Because if they knew the history behind the scheme being played out right in front of their faces to further destroy the Black family a certain portion might not support wealthy racist evangelicals and their political candidates and non-profit teams.