December 15, 2023

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Reflection On
The 11th Anniversary of Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Rep. Mike Thompson, and Rep. Jahana Hayes shared a heart-touching message on December 14, 2023, concerning the 11th anniversary of a story that shook and astonished American citizens. Exactly 11 years ago, Twenty-six people, made up of 20 students and six adults, were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14. The horrific event was committed by Adam Lanza, a 20-year-old White man who, after killing his mother, Nancy Lanza, went to the Sandy Hook Elementary School to kill innocent men, women, and children. In his fit of rage, Lanza grabbed three guns that he had in possession of in his home.
A semi-automatic AR 15 assault rifle made by Bushmaster w/magazine holds approx 100bullets
One Glock Pistol w/magazine that can hold up to 33 bullets
One Sig Sauer Pistol that can hold up to 20 bullets or more
While dressed in Black military fatigues, entered school. Despite the unimaginable loss of 26 lives, it is still a miracle that said menace to society did not murder more innocent people. The incident brought a turning point to the American psyche to begin pushing through gun legislation in hopes of turning the tide of multiple deaths caused by people who have no business having guns in the first place because of their extremely violent behavior, diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illness, plus erroneous biases. To hear Speaker Jefferies, Rep Thompson, plus Rep. Hayes discuss the topic, please click the link provided by C-SPAN.
Rutgers University Maybe Showing Bias Towards Students Who Protest The War In Gaza?

Many seasoned college students can share that when they began to attend college courses, the world's reality was very different from their childhood impressions in high school. Young adults can access information plus opinions that they usually do not have access to when attending high school. Moreover, American Colleges have been successfully integrated, and thanks to the work of the Civil Rights Movement, many uninformed students have begun to form their own opinions concerning current events, even to the point of utilizing their 1st Amendment Rights as adult citizens.
One contemporary example can be shared by the Rutgers Students For Justice In Palestine News Brunswick Chapter, with whom all students were suspended by a report titled "Rutgers Suspends Students For Justice In Palestine Group" by Middletown Patch reporter Carly Baldwin. December 12, 2023. Baldwin's report shares that "NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ — Rutgers University just suspended its Students for Justice in Palestine (S.J.P.) chapter, saying the student group has caused multiple disruptions on campus and threatens the safety of other students. Rutgers Police are also investigating vandalism alleged to be associated with S.J.P. that occurred at the business school in Piscataway." S.J.P.'s response to suspensions is calling foul. Students are demanding a cease-fire concerning the war in Gaza to stop the violence. S.J.P. will be holding a rally at the Rutgers Browe Commons on Wednesday, December 15, 2023.
How do you feel about this? The question is, should students be suspended for opposing the war happening in Gaza? And if so, is it a suspendable offense per the American Constituion? Or should they not be suspended but supported by their university administration plus wellness counselors? To learn more, please click or copy Middletown Patch's link here:
26-Year-Old Black Woman Attempts To Burn Down
Rev Dr. Martin Luther King's Childhood Home

Laneisha Henderson from Brandon, Florida, attempted to burn down the childhood home of Rev Dr. Martin Luther King while laughing. Per a News Week article written by Nick Mordowanec on Dec 8, 2023, titled "Who Is Laneisha Shantrice Henderson? Woman Who Tried to Burn MLK Home Down" article shares that "Multiple citizens intervened to make Henderson stop. including two off-duty New York Police Officers visiting site who helped detain her." Henderson gave no apparent reason per report as to why she, as a Black woman, would do such an outlandish deed. It was as if an old Confederate spirit or Klans man possessed her. To see actual footage of the incident plus Newsweek Report, click the link here:
New Jersey Domestic Terrorist Sentenced For 20 Years By New Jersey Court
Per An Press Release By the United States Attorney District of New Jersey
Dec. 7, 2023
TRENTON, N.J. – A Monmouth County, New Jersey, man was sentenced today to 240 months in prison for making threatening telephone and email communications to New Jersey state officials, judges, law enforcement officers, and attorneys, and phoning in false bomb threats to local and state government offices, a police department, two law firms and a commercial establishment, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced.
Eric G. Hafner, 32, formerly of Monmouth County, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Michael A. Shipp on May 17, 2022, to one count of making threating communications in interstate or foreign commerce with intent to extort, one count of making threatening communications in interstate or foreign commerce, and one count of conveying false information concerning the use of an explosive device. U.S. District Judge Zahid N. Quraishi imposed the sentence today in Trenton federal court.
“This defendant repeatedly targeted public servants—elected representatives, judges, and law enforcement officials—and private citizens with threats and attempts at extortion,” U.S. Attorney Sellinger said. “He further victimized these public officials, private citizens, and the public generally by calling in numerous false bomb threats to a courthouse, a police department, law firms, businesses, and an elected official’s office. These types of threating communications are unacceptable. They cause serious harm to victims, and will be met with a swift response by this Office. This defendant has now faced justice for these serious crimes.”According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:
Between July 2016 and May 2018, while residing outside the United States, Hafner communicated threats to numerous individuals located in and around Monmouth County and elsewhere. The victims were elected officials, judges, police officers, attorneys, and their families. Hafner sought to extort $350,000 from some of his victims. Hafner also made false bomb threats to an elected official’s office, a county courthouse, a police department, two law firms, and a commercial establishment.
In addition to the prison term, Judge Quraishi sentenced Hafner to three years of supervised release.
U.S. Attorney Sellinger credited special agents of the FBI, Newark Division, Red Bank Resident Agency, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge James E. Dennehy, with the investigation leading to today’s sentencing. He also thanked detectives of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office; officers of the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office; New Jersey State Police; the Bradley Beach Police Department; Fairhaven Police Department; Aberdeen Police Department; the Hazlet Police Department; Shrewsbury Police Department; the Red Bank Police Department; the Freehold Township Police Department; the Middletown Police Department; the Neptune Township Police Department; the Oceanport Police Department; the Deal Police Department; and the Manasquan Police Department for their assistance in the investigation.
The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Ian D. Brater of the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Criminal Division in Trenton and R. Joseph Gribko, Deputy Chief of the Civil Rights Division.
Defense counsel: Mark Catanzaro Esq. of Mount Holly, New Jersey
We Are Sad To Report That Rev Perkins's Wife, Mrs. Ellen Cox Perkins, Affectionately called "Judy," Passed Away Shortly After Her Husband In December 2023

The beloved and beautiful Mrs. Ellen Perkins passed away this month following the passing of her husband, Rev Robert Perkins, of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Mrs. Perkins was known for her elegant voice and snappy wit. She worked in the banking industry for many years while raising children and ministering to congregants. ( history)
Some favorite memories of Judy are that she would take the Emmanuel Baptist Children out during the Christmas season to sing Christmas Carols in Monmouth County, New Jersey. All while she, nurtured the growth of Emmanuel Baptist Church for many years. Judy is survived by her two beautiful daughters, Jennifer and Melissa Perkins, grandson Jayden Robert Ross; Cox's family; a host of nieces and nephews; the Emmanuel Baptist Church family; colleagues and friends. The Black community encourages prayer for the Perkins's surviving daughters concerning their tremendous loss during this holiday season and beyond. Service will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church 61A Cherry Street Tinton Falls, NJ, on Saturday, December 23, 2023, at 10:00 A.M. (update)
Christmas Fun At The Colonial Nursery In Lincroft Plus
Click link for directions:
To learn more click the link:
New Years Eve Watch Service With
Greater Emanuel Temple & Power House Tabernacle
Sunday December 31, 2023
Praise in the New Year with Pastor Gwendolyn Priester and guest speaker Pastor Jason Rogers this December 31, 2023. Service Location: Greater Emanuel Temple 401 Drummond Ave Neptune N.J.07753 Time: 10:00 P.M. Culture: Pentecostal.
Be ready to shout in the New Year and receive a blessing!
